The Common Program of the People's Republic of China 1949-1954

Preamble and Chapter 1

The acceptance and fulfilment of the Common Program are the important tasks of the CPPCC. This document consists of a preamble and 7 chapters;
1. General principles
2. Organs of state
3. Military system
4. Economic policy
5. Cultural and Education program
6. Policy towards nationalities (minorities)
7. Foreign policy.
The document serves as a blueprint for upcoming actions and aims to portray the new leaders of China as moderately progressive and inclusive in their political approach. The program defines in its preamble clearly who can play a role in this future. "... the state power of the people's democratic united front composed of the Chinese working class, peasantry, petty bourgeoisie, national bourgeoisie and other patriotic democratic elements, based on the alliance of workers and peasants and led by the working class." In other words, a part of the people is explicitly excluded, they are "...the running-dogs of imperialism, the landlord class and bureaucrat-bourgeoisie, as well as the representatives of these classes, the GuoMinDang reactionaries and their accomplices."
As the CCP took control over China’s cities, it was confronted with several social order problems. Two primary categories of targets were identified. The first encompassed counter-revolutionaries, including remaining GMD troops and supporters, secret societies, criminal gangs, and bandits. The second group consisted of offenders engaged in residual crimes inherited from the old society, such as the cultivation, trafficking, and usage of narcotic drugs, gambling, prostitution, kidnapping, and trafficking women and children. Additionally, a significant transient population, vagrants, drug addicts, and abandoned children notably disrupted social order.
Other elements of the preamble:
1. Triumph of Liberation: Ending Imperialism, Feudalism, and Bureaucratic Capitalism
2. From Oppression to Mastery: Chinese People Forge a New Society and State
3. Replacing Reactionary Rule: People's Democratic Dictatorship Overthrows Kuomintang's Regime
4. Unity in Diversity: The Chinese People's Democratic Dictatorship and the Democratic United Front
5. Founding the People's Republic: Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference Leads the Way
6. Political Foundation: Unanimous Agreement on New Democracy for China's National Construction
7. Shared Vision: Embracing the Common Program for the People's Republic of China

Article 1

Article 8
See Chapter 3 and Chapter 4
Article 9
  • Introduction
  • CCP policy
  • Notes
  • See Chapter 6
    Article 10

    Chapter 1 of Common Program